
Restoring Integer Square Root Explained (in binary)

In case you’ve never heard of it, the restoring integer square root algorithm allows one to calculate the integer portion of the square root of a given integer, i.e. it’s equivalent to the floor of the regular square root. Much like restoring division, it works by analyzing pieces of the input number at a time, subtracting a given value from each, and acting upon the result, restoring the previous value if the subtraction would result in a negative number.

But how and why exactly does it work? This is the question I’ve sought out to answer, and, although I was able to derive an explanation that seems sensible, if incomplete, you might want to check out other people’s perspective on the matter.


For the following description and later sections, we will consider a number XX and Q=iqi2iQ = \sum_{i} q_i \cdot 2^i, and consider kk so that XX has 2k2k digits (we may add a leading zero if needed), qk1q_{k - 1} will then be the most significant bit in the binary representation of QQ, and q0q_0 the least significant bit (LSB).

Given a number XX, the algorithm outputs QQ and RR satisfying X=Q2+R,X,Q,R𝟘X = Q^2 + R, \, X,Q,R \in \mathbb{N_0}, such that QQ is maximized. First, we take the binary representation of XX and split it up into pairs of bits. We start with the most significant pair and subtract 1 from it. If the result is 0\geq 0, then we know the MSB in the binary representation of QQ is 1. Otherwise (if the result is negative) then the result is “restored” to the previous value, and the MSB of QQ will be zero.

Then, we take that result, concatenate it with the next pair and subtract 0qk101¯\overline{0q_{k-1}01} from it (the overline denotes concatenation). The result will determine qk2q_{k-2}, in the same way as before. On the next step, we would group the current result with the next pair and subtract 00qk1qk201¯\overline{00 ~ q_{k-1}q_{k-2} ~ 01}, determining qk3q_{k - 3}. This procedure is iterated until running out of pairs. The remainder of the last subtraction is RR.

An idea for a solution

An interesting fact: all perfect squares can be written as a sum of consecutive odd numbers, starting at 1.

n=1p(2n1)=p2 \sum_{n=1}^p \left(2n - 1\right) = p^2

That allows us to derive a simple but inefficient approach to calculate the integer square root: subtract consecutive odd numbers from XX, keeping track of the result and incrementing QQ until the result is less than the next odd number. The remainder of the last subtraction will be RR.

It turns out the way the restoring algorithm works is very similar, it just subtracts a set of consecutive odd numbers at once rather than one at a time, while narrowing down on the result at each iteration.

Working it out

We should note that if all the previous bits of QQ are zero, then we will be subtracting a power of 4 on the current iteration. Since 4t=(2t)24^t = (2^t)^2, a power of 4 can always be written as a sum of consecutive odd numbers, starting from 1.

A peculiar sequence of sets of consecutive odd numbers is formed if you execute the algorithm on the value 1, extended to nn binary digits. For instance, for n=6n = 6, we would first subtract 100002=1+3+5+710000_2 = 1 + 3 + 5 + 7, then 1002=1+3100_2 = 1 + 3, and, finally, 1.

Note also that if any of the previous bits of QQ are not zero, then we can reason that some of the past subtractions “succeeded” (resulted in a positive number). That means we were able to subtract a set of consecutive odd numbers, starting at 1, from the initial value. Anything we subtract from now on should be “offset” to account for that, i.e., we should now subtract a set of consecutive odd numbers that starts at the smallest odd number not in any of the previous sets. We can show that including the bits of QQ in the terms being subtracted does exactly that.

To that end, let’s consider that we are at the iith iteration (where the first iteration would be 0 and the last k1k - 1). The number being subtracted at that iteration, sis_i, is given by:

si=22k2i2+m=0i1qkm122kim1 s_i = 2^{2k-2i-2} + \sum_{m = 0}^{i - 1} q_{k-m-1} \cdot 2^{2k-i-m-1}

The first term corresponds to the constant “1”, while the second corresponds to the previous bits of QQ that are added to the term being subtracted. To make more sense of it, see the following illustration, showing the binary representation of sis_i:

00qk122k2i+i1(m=0)qki22k2i(m=i1)i0122k2i200 0 \, \cdots \, 0 ~ \overbrace{ \underset{\substack{\uparrow \\ 2^{2k-2i+i-1} \\ (m = 0)}}{q_{k-1}} \cdots \underset{\substack{\uparrow \\ 2^{2k-2i} \\ (m = i - 1)}}{q_{k-i}} }^{i} ~ 0 \underset{\substack{\uparrow \\ 2^{2k-2i-2}}}{1_{}} ~ 0 \, \cdots \, 0

Meanwhile, we know that sis_i must be equal to the sum of a certain set of consecutive odd numbers. Rather than focusing on the numbers themselves, let’s denote by O(n,m)O(n, m) the set of consecutive odd numbers starting at the nnth odd number with mm elements. Thus:

ni=m=0i1qkm12km1+1 n_i = \sum_{m = 0}^{i - 1} q_{k-m-1} \cdot 2^{k-m-1} + 1

Oi=O(ni,2ki1) O_i = O\left(n_i, \, 2^{k-i-1}\right)

nin_i can be derived by realizing that if all the previous bits of QQ are zero, then we have to start at the first odd number (1), and that the amount of odd numbers subtracted (initially 2k12^{k - 1}) is halved at each iteration.

Now, we can show that sis_i, the number subtracted at iteration ii, is equal to the sum of the elements of OiO_i. For that, let’s start with OiO_i:

Oi=t=12ki1[2(ni+t1)1]=22ki1ni+2ki1(2ki1+1)32ki1=22k2i2+2kini2ki=22k2i2+2ki(m=0i1qkm12km1+1)2ki=si \begin{aligned} \textstyle \sum O_i &= \sum_{t=1}^{2^{k-i-1}} \left[2(n_i + t - 1) - 1\right] \\ &= 2 \cdot 2^{k-i-1} \cdot n_i + 2^{k-i-1}(2^{k-i-1} + 1) - 3 \cdot 2^{k-i-1} \\ &= 2^{2k-2i-2} + 2^{k-i} \cdot n_i - 2^{k-i} \\ &= 2^{2k-2i-2} + 2^{k-i}\left(\sum_{m = 0}^{i - 1} q_{k-m-1} \cdot 2^{k-m-1} + 1\right) - 2^{k-i} \\ &= s_i \end{aligned}

But why this particular arrangement? Why is |Oi||O_i| a power of 2? While it would be possible to adapt this algorithm to use other bases, sticking to base 2 gives us simpler rules and turns out to be very useful, as it allows for a fast implementation on modern computers and other digital electronic systems. However, the fact that the size of OiO_i is an exponential function of ii is fundamental to guarantee this algorithm’s performance.

If we consider the input size of the algorithm to be the number of digits of XX (2k2k), then, as already mentioned, QQ will have kk digits, at most, since logX=logX1/2=1/2logX\log \sqrt{X} = \log X^{1/2} = 1/2 \log X. There are 2k2^k possible values for QQ, and each one must be reachable from the starting point of the algorithm. If a linear function of ii were used for the size of OiO_i, the computational complexity would inevitably devolve to O(2k/2)O(2^{k/2}), which is almost as bad as the naïve repeated subtraction method, since a sum of linear functions of nn is O(n2)O(n^2). However, using an exponential function for the size brings the computational complexity down to O(k)O(k), or O(logX)O(\log X)1.

Fun fact

Since each bit in the binary representation of QQ is set only once, this algorithm can be implemented using combinational logic circuits (in fact, this is how I originally found out about it in the first place).

The following diagram depicts a binary decision tree representing all possible choices the algorithm could take for k=3k = 3, where each level corresponds to an iteration. A dashed edge means that the subtraction resulted in a negative number and the previous value had to be restored, while a solid edge means that the subtraction resulted in a number 0\geq 0. Each node shows the value subtracted at that iteration, as a sum of consecutive odd numbers. While only four leaf nodes are drawn, each leaf node could have a dashed and a solid edge out of it, each destination node would then represent a unique value for QQ.

1 + 3 + 5 + 7 1 + 3 9 + 11 1 5 9 13


It is also possible to show, given all sis_i and QQ for a given run of the algorithm, that:

i=0k1si=(i=0k1qi2i)2=Q2 \sum_{i = 0}^{k - 1} s_i = \left(\sum_{i = 0}^{k - 1} q_i \cdot 2^i \right)^2 = Q^2

Though that will be left as an exercise to the reader.

  1. Only valid if we assume that a subtraction can be performed in constant time, i.e. O(1)O(1), which is not true in general.↩︎